La Sagrada Note

  • Tech Stack: Kotlin, SQlite, Android Studio, XML, Dokka, JUnit4 Test, Coverage
  • Github URL: Project Link
  • Play Store URL: Play Store

In this project, a notepad application was developed using the Kotlin programming language. Additionally, code documentation was generated using Dokka, JUnit tests were created, and code coverage was calculated. SQLite was used as the database.


  • Daily card views allow you to color-code and organize your notes.
  • You can add emojis to your notes.
  • Notes are stored using an SQLite database.
  • You can run JUnit tests to validate your code.

Project Details

In this project, an Android notepad application was created that enables users to create, edit, and delete notes. The app allows users to add custom emoji icons to their notes and color-code them. Furthermore, notes are stored in an SQLite database, ensuring users have access to their notes at all times.