

Alper Sahin An adapter class for populating a RecyclerView with a list of User objects.



The list of users to display in the RecyclerView.


The listener to handle user item click events.


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constructor(users: List<User>, userListener: UserListener)

creates an parameter


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fun filterList(filteredList: ArrayList<User>)

Updates the adapter's data with a filtered list of users and notifies the RecyclerView of the change.

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open override fun getItemCount(): Int

Returns the number of items in the adapter's data set.

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open fun getItemId(p0: Int): Long
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open fun getItemViewType(p0: Int): Int
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fun notifyItemMoved(p0: Int, p1: Int)
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open override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: UsersAdapter.UserViewHolder, position: Int)

Binds data to a UserViewHolder at the specified position.

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open override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): UsersAdapter.UserViewHolder

Creates and returns a new UserViewHolder instance for the RecyclerView.

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open fun setHasStableIds(p0: Boolean)